
Saturday 13 March 2010

2nd Goal/Project Completed...

Moving right along this week for Operation Tackle that Bead Stash I've now completed my second goal/project! I had come across various black beads that I wanted to start to use up. I also had come across while looking thru some of my Bead Stash some of those golden/brown seed beads and also those gorgeous brown beads. So, last night I started another cabochon. Keep in mind that these cabochons are something very new to me and that I'm in the process of teaching myself some stitches.
In this cabochon I feel that I accomplished quite a bit. Not only towards my goal/project for Operation Tackle that Bead Stash but to learn more about these wonderful cabochons! I actually taught myself 3 new stitches in this piece. I'm quite pleased that not only did I use up some of my Bead Stash but learned something in the process. I call this piece, Earthbound.

I hope that you have a wonderful weekend, thanks for stopping in! So until next time please don't forget, "Operation Tackle that Bead Stash" and Bead Happy!
Hugs and happy beading...


  1. Wow Bobbi, that is beautiful and Earthbound is the perfect name for it! It's fantastic that your learnt 3 new stitches for this piece and they work together beautifully I must say. I am so glad you joined me in this challenge!

  2. Hi Sarah, thank you so much for all your kind words! I'm really loving Operation Tackle that Bead Stash and at the same time having the best time learning new stitches for something that I love to do! Thank you for having me. I hope that you have a wonderful new week!
    Hugs and happy beading...
