
Monday 12 April 2010

1st April Goal Completed(ish).

You may notice that my bracelet does not have the ruffles of the retro ruffles cuff. I was merrily brickstitching away for hours and hours and while I loved the project I realised that I have a few commitments that I need to get on with; a necklace for a forum swap, some little gifts for giveaway prizes at the next Vintage Pretty Fayre and 2 birthday gifts, as well as working out some new designs for April is Forever. So instead of putting it away, as I knew it would never get finished I simply added a row of picots on the edge and called it done. I still like it and will probably make the full version at a later date as the instructions for this are so good. I particularly like this style of fastening and will be experimenting with it in other designs.


  1. That looks amazing Sarah! I often leave bits off when I'm making something from a pattern :)

    Liz x

  2. Wow Sarah, this turned out gorgeous just the way it is...I love this bracelet, very beautiful! Bead Happy!
    Hugs and happy beading...
