Monday, 18 March 2013

Beaded Allure {Bead, Book & Bounce}

For those of us who cannot wait for the release of A Beaded Romance, I'm pleased to announce that the latest book in our Bead, Book & Bounce feature is Kelly Wiese's Beaded Allure. There's nothing like revisiting an old favourite!

Beaded Allure contains twenty-five beautiful projects with the romantic in mind. Each with clear, detailed instructions, the projects work through ten beadweaving stitches and techniques - including bezelling and bead embroidery. 

"It’s not really a beading book at all. It’s a jewelry making book, with an emphasis on beadweaving. The tone suggests that the projects are intended for anyone and everyone, not just those of us who are already hopelessly obsessed with seed beads." Inspirational Beading: Book Review, Beaded Allure

Patterns In Other Places -

Having been publised regularly in Beadwork Magazine, the vast majority of Kelly Wiese's Patterns are available for download. There are also many, many beautiful patterns for earrings, bracelets and necklaces - available as kits or patterns - on Kelly's wonderful website, The Bead Parlor

And, If You're Interested -

You can see more of Kelly's stunning designs in The Bead Parlor Gallery

When's The Reveal - 

The reveal for projects made from Beaded Allure will be the 6th May.


Bead Queen said...

YAY!! I have been wanting to have a go at a few things in Kelly's book but now i have an excuse hehe. Can't wait! xxx

Sarah said...

I don't have this one, but can't wait to see all the projects.