Ruth made this beautiful snow globe,"a small snowglobe inspired piece, based on Judy Walkers beaded sphere (I modified the construction slightly) with a 3d penguin I found on the bead an button website."

Mary made these beautiful red and green sparklies,

Nancy sent in a picture of these beautiful ornaments that she made from patterns originally designed by Paula Adams and gifted to some very lucky friends!

I finally broke down after many years of refusing to make ornaments and beaded this simple netted cover. Once I worked out the bead counts, it was a lot of fun.
Happy beading!
Wow! Fab work and I love the variety
I only have a few snowflakes and hearts on my tree, and they get fewer as I keep giving them away to visitors. Next year I'm planning on making myself a new set!
They're beautiful!! I LOVE that snow globe, wow!!! I want to learn how to weave those, they look quite challenging!
How stunning! If the lady's would share their sources for the patterns, I'd be thrilled. Especially that snow globe!
Absolutely looking like Christmas!!! I love the ornaments!!1
Fantastic work all of you! I'm so in love with the snowglobe!
Beautiful work put my ornaments to shame!!
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