Now onto Operation Tackle that Bead Stash! I myself have to admit that I have a stash of beads that I'd much rather not speak of. I'm not really sure where they all came from, how they got here or why they aren't used yet. But it's time to put a halt on stash and put all our beads to use in some way. First I really do believe that we must somehow organize even half of our bead stash, that way we won't be over whelmed and may keep to our commitment of using most or even all of our stash in the very best manner.
So, the first thing I did was to go in one of my places that I keep my beads at and got everything out and put of it into containers. The rest I put into plastic bags which I labeled. This took me only about a hour to do and then I took a long look at what I want to make next with what I had in front of me and in what order I might like to make things in also.
So, I took a few pictures of my Bead Stash and of the containers that I used, then of the next project I'll be making with some of my stash. Oh...I can't forget about my lil helper Cali. She has to oversea most everything I do.

So until next time please don't forget, "Operation Tackle that Bead Stash" and Bead Happy!
Hugs and happy beading...
Great post Bobbi! I too have more stash hiding which I am trying to forget about until I have worked on this one a bit. Cali is gorgeous, I miss my cats!
Hi Sarah and thanks so much! Isn't it just amazing when we really look to see just how much Bead Stash we really have! I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing. lol
Thank about your kind word about my lil Cali Bear, she's the new kid on the block here at my house and she fits right in! She's the smallest and the most curious! I love animals and wouldn't know what to do without them. I hope that you have a wonderful rest of your day! I'll post something later on this evening.
Hugs and happy beading...
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